I'll admit it. I'm an online-networking junkie. Living internationally has shown me all of its benefits as I'm able to keep in touch with friends and family who are strewn across the world without having to write mass emails about all the wonderful happenings in my life once a month. People who I haven't seen in a year no longer freak out about the length or color of my hair, because they can see my pictures. I don't have to explain the same story to a billion different people because they've all read about it already.
Yeah. Online networking is a good thing.
The problem is, however, finding a network worth sticking with. I have Friendster, and if a very special person and some irreplaceable tesitmonials weren't on there, it would be deleted. Yes, Friendster is basically useless. I had High-5. It was a wannabe Friendster that never really got anywhere, and I deleted after getting stalked one too many times by my sister's friends. I have Myspace, but it's slowly losing its appeal (I'll get to that in a minute), and I have Facebook. As I prepare my deletion (is that even a word? It sounds good...) of my Myspace account, I wanted to share my reasons with my other Myspace picture whore (Jojo, of course) and anyone else who is bored enough to read this shit.
So here we go... in no particular order:
"10 Reasons why Facebook is better than Myspace."
1. Facebook is better for stalking. I like being nosy and knowing what's happening with people. Facebook makes it that much easier, minus the little counter that tells you how many profile views you've had. Yeah, I hate it when someone asks "Did you just check my Myspace pro?" "Um... yeah." "Haha, cuz I saw the counter go up." Lame.
2. Facebook makes it easier to find people you used to know. Forget Top Friends, I can find people I went to elementary school with by searching specific networks. The groups seem to be more controlled as people tend to join only those they're actually interested in. Sure, some of them are pointless, but they're still fun.
3. Facebook is more private. I no longer have to worry about stalkers who send me messages saying "Hii hii! nama saya blablabla. we be fwendz? PS: you looking verry hott!" Plus you can allow certain people to only view your limited profile, which protects you some more. Woohoo!
4. Facebook is better for picture whores, like me. All of a sudden, all the pictures I put in, plus all the pictures my friends put in of me are listed under my pictures. Which is a good thing, because otherwise you have to wait for people to email you the pics for the sole reason of putting them up on your own page.
5. More of my friends have Facebook. Within 2 weeks of using Facebook, I had 100 friends - all of which are people that I know and would like to keep in touch with.
6. No idiots who mess up their coding and shut down your internet with their "kewl" profile pages. How many times did my computer freeze because someone's page had fifty thousand of their most favorite videos on it? Or twenty-seven slideshows of them and their closest friends? Or just plain bad coding? Ugh. Annoying.
7. Facebook doesn't have the hacker problem. I haven't had a problem yet, and talking to my friends who have had Facebook for years, no one they know has ever gotten their account hacked in to.
8. Facebook doesn't have the spamming problem. This goes along with number 7. Sooo many of my friends have gotten their account hacked. The result? A bunch of bulletins and comments saying "Get a $500 gift card for Macy's" or "Click here for the hottest girl on the web." Someone effing shoot me now.
9. Facebook doesn't have annoying ads everywhere. Sure, they charge for their gifts, but at least I don't have to see stupid ads for the "cutest smileys on the web." Plus I got a free gift to give anyway (which I gave to Jojo, btw) so it's not like I really have to spend any money.
10. Facebook doesn't have annoying profiles that try to add you. No cam-whores. No "hot girls" saying they earn money by doing online surveys. No crappy bands looking for fans. No slutty 14 year olds looking for "friends." No creepy old men looking to hit on the 14 year olds and getting distracted by my profile. Yup, all that shit is for Myspace.
So all in all, Myspace sucks balls and will probably be deleted in about 2 months. And Facebook is my new best friend. Not that I'll have oodle amounts of time to check either of them starting from 11 days from now, cuz I'm heading back to CANADA for holidays (go ahead, try to stalk me. If you show up in my town, everyone will know you don't belong anyway). Oh it's going to be a good time. I can't wait to drive the backroads with my cousin. And go running without sweating buckets (or sweating buckets just sitting still). And play hide and seek with my little cousins. And get tipsy in the backyard with my uncles. And protect my sister from guys older than me trying to hit on her. I promise I'll take lots of pictures. Check my Facebook. ;)Love, Jacqui